FFC Money trust
Prepared for Life's Opportunities!
The First Finance Money Trust is an open-ended short termed, low risk investment product designed to preserve the capital of investors and to provide a high degree of liquidity. The fund invests in short term money market securities issued by the Bank of Ghana, other Ghanaian corporate bodies and Bank of Ghana licensed banks and Non – Bank Financial Services.
The fund’s objective is to help individuals meet their current liquidity needs and to meet their obligations as and when they fall due. Investors can use this fund to meet their monthly household expenditures, pay their wards school fees and other recurrent expenditure.
Universal Merchant Bank
Fund Profile:
Asset Allocation | Money Market 70%, Fixed Income 20%, Cash & Cash Equivalents |
Front Load | NIl |
Exit Load | NIl |
Recommended Holding Period | 3 months |
Initial Contribution | GHS 100.00 |
Minimum Regular/Monthly Contributions | GHS 20.00 |
Risk Profile | Low |
Mode of Contributions:
Payments can be made through various methods, including USSD payments, convenient deposits with partner banks, direct debit, standing orders, or post-dated cheques. Flexibility to top up daily, weekly, or monthly.
The shares of the fund can be redeemed by completing a redemption form and submitting by mail to info@firstfinancecompany.com or in person at our premises at no. 59 Ring Road Central. Redemptions take a 3 - day cycle before payment.
Open to individuals aged 18 or older, associations, investment clubs, corporate institutions, and provident and pension funds. Available for those participating in Pension Tier 2 Schemes or with existing investments.
Requires a valid ID (Ghana card), recent passport-size photograph, and completed application form.